Private Membership Curriculum

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We Teach You How to Transact

Influence Ecology is the leading business education in Transactional Competence™. Our specialized study helps ambitious professionals construct transactions that accelerate results. Our practical and rigorous study programs help you face the behaviors, practices, and naiveté that keep you from satisfying your work, career, and financial aims.

Those who transact powerfully, thrive.™

Our curriculum begins with the Fundamentals of Transaction Program™; a six-month course of study specifically designed to satisfy the following objectives:

  • To accurately target your aims and eliminate hardship
  • To construct the fundamental transactions that produce continual results
  • To cash in on the asset of your Personality and Transactional Behavior™
  • To produce a balance across many situations or Conditions of Life™
  • To accelerate your ability to influence others, gain compliance, and produce results

In the first six months of participation, our members produce an average of 47% more income than anticipated and report high satisfaction levels with work, career, health – and other areas of life. [FAQ]

We teach a specific Transaction Cycle™ which offers a specific framework for any transaction that considers the Personality and Transactional Behavior™ appropriate for each aspect of a transaction. While learning to construct their own transactions, participants develop powerful abilities for influencing others, gaining compliance, and producing results.

Participation is by application only. Successful participants earn candidacy into our advanced program levels. Our programs are facilitated by an international assembly of certified and accomplished program faculty, advanced mentors, and ambitious peers from a variety of countries, industries, and cultures.[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”testimonial-box” width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1419373715327{margin-top: 30px !important;background-position: 0 0 !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;}”]“Influence Ecology programs not only provide a wake up call but also deliver the framework and accountability required to ensure one’s success in making the necessary changes.”

Cynthia Smith-Power
Healthcare, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

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1. Fundamentals of Transaction

Our curriculum begins with an ambitious 6-month program that develops the knowledge and practices required for Transactional Competence™.

2. Mechanics and Practice (MAP)

Successful participants earn candidacy into this advanced 1-year program that simplifies the mechanics and practices of complex transactions.


Our most advanced program is a 2-year study of the Conditions of Life in their totality and the Domains of Transaction™ we classify as planning, strategy, tactics, and implementation.

Member Conferences

Included in advanced programs, our bi-annual global conferences are interactive environments of practice among an international assembly of peers.[vc_empty_space]


Tuition is $5550 USD*

Pay in full and save $195

Proprietary Content

Virtual Campus Classrooms

Peer Mentoring

Online Tools and Resources


Tailored to Ambition Level

[vc_btn title=”Begin Your Access” color=”warning” align=”center” link=”|||”][vc_empty_space height=”42px”]

*All tuitions shown in $US Dollars. Tuition may vary by country. Payment plans available.
The Fundamentals of Transaction Program is the first of a four-part curriculum.


Proprietary Content

We offer proprietary study modules comprised of written, video, and audio segments that teach functional models and practices designed to help the ambitious professional achieve their aims.

Virtual Campus

We deliver live virtual campus programs with real-time Q&A led by our senior-most program faculty and mentors. Recordings are available when live attendance is restricted by time zone or other circumstances.

Peer Mentoring

Participants self-select peer mentoring groups (in person or on-campus) to help implement and practice the program principles. These groups are not required but are recommended.

Online Tools & Resources

Online tools include models, personality indicators, and more. Resources include our campus, member mixers, and our Distinctionary, a vast collection of terms and examples.


We offer a consequential graded learning environment where both study and practice matter. Certification credentials are available and required for advanced access.

Tailored Options

We have designed our entire curriculum to reward ambition; we offer supplemental webinars, podcasts, and audio material according to interest and ambition.

The leading business education in Transactional Competence™.

Those who transact powerfully, thrive.™

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